Penggunaan Preference Dalam Tata Bahas Inggris
Penggunaan Preference Dalam Tata Bahas Inggris - Preference berdasarkan arti dalam bahasa inggris yaitu pilihan yang lebih suka. Terdapat tiga bentuk preference yaitu like, would rather, dan prefer.namun terdapat dalam penggunannya.
a) S +Like + Gerund (Verb ing) + better than + Gerund (Verb ing)
b) S + Like + Noun (kat benda )+ Better Than + Noun (kata benda )
Pada rumus ini juga dibentuk kalimat negative :
a) S + do/ does not Like + Gerund (Verb ing) + better than + Gerund (Verb ing)
b) S + do/ does not Like + Noun (kat benda )+ Better Than + Noun (kata benda )
Contoh dalam kalimat :
1. She likes reading newspaper than reading novel.
2. Andrew likes chocolate better than candy
3. Aldi does not like playing bulu tangkis better than playing football
4. I do not like playing marble better than playing football
5. You like donut better than cake.
2.Would Rather
Rumus :
a) Subject + would rather + Noun + than + Noun
b) Subject + would rather + Verb ing + than + Verb ing
Contoh dalam kalimat :
1. She would rather chocolate than candy
2. Aldi would rather playing game than doing homework
3. Ronaldo would rather dribbling than passing
4. I would rather joging than riding bike.
5. They would rather going to the beach than staying at home.
Rumus :
a) Subject + Prefer + to Infinitive
b) Subject + Prefer + Noun + to + Noun
c) Subject + Prefer + Gerund + to + Gerund
Contoh dalam kalimat :
1. I prefer to watch movie
2. She prefer chocolate than candy
3. She prefer making a cake than making an ice cream
4. You prefer to go to beach
4.Would prefer
Rumus :
a. Subject + would prefer + Noun + rather than + Noun
b. Subject + would prefer + Verb ing + rather than + Verb ing
c. Subject + would prefer + to infinitif + rather than + verb 1.
Contoh dalam kalimat :
1. Aldi would prefer chocolate rather than candy
2. She would prefer reading novel rather than playing game
3. Aisyah would prefer to go to the beach rather than go to mall
4. They would prefer meatball rather than fried tofu
5. You would prefer dragon ball rather than naruto.
Demikianlah klarifikasi perihal Penggunaan Preference Dalam Tata Bahas Inggris , Apabila masih terdapat kekurangan kami mohon maaf dan apabila pembaca ingin memperlihatkan kritik atau saran silahkan kirim pada alamat situs kami. Semoga bermanfaat dan Terimakasih.
Baca juga :
- Pengertian Countable Dan Uncountable Nouns Dan Contohnya
- Pengertian Preposition dan Contohnya
- Pengertian Simple Present Tense, Rumus dan Contoh Dalam Kalimat
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