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Laboratory Safety And Work Instructions ( Complete )

A. Laboratory Safety

The laboratory can be put is not necessarily a dangerous place. When intelligent precautions and a proper understanding of techniques are employed, the laboratory is no more dangerous than any other classroom. Most of the precautions are just common-sense practices. These include the following :

1. Wear safety glasses at all times while in the laboratory. ( No one will be admitted without them ).

2. Wear shoes at all times . ( No one will be admitted without them ).

3. Eating, Drinking, and smoking are strictly prohibited in the laboratory at all times.

4. Know where to find and how to use safety and first-aid equipment.

5. Consider all chemicals to be hazardous unless you are instructed otherwise.

6. If chemicals come into contact with your skin or eyes, was immediately with copious amounts of water and then consult your laboratory instructor.

7. Never taste anything . Never directly smell the source of any vapour or gas; instead , by means of your cupped hand, bring a small sample to your nose , Chemicals are not be used to obtain a “high” or clear your sinuses.

8. Any reactions involving skin-irritating or dangerous chemicals, or unpleasant odors, are to be performed in the hood.

9. Never point a test tube that you are heating at yourself or your neighbor it may erupt like a geyser.

10. No unauthorized experiments are to be performed.

11. Clean up all broken glassware immediately.

12. Always pour acid into water, not water into acid, because the heat of solution will cause the water to boil and the acid to splatter. “Do as you oughter , pour acid into water”.

13. Avoid rubbing your eyes unless you know your hands are clean.

14. When inserting glass tubing or thermometers into stoppers, lubricate the tubing and the hole in the stopper with glycerol or water. Wrap the rod in a towel and grasp the tubing as close to the end being inserted as possible. Slide the glass into the rubber stopper with a twisting motion. Do not push. Finally, remove the excess lubricant by wiping with a towel. Keep your hands as close together as possible in order to reduce leverage.

15. Notify the instructor immediately in case of an accident.

16. Many common reagents, for example , alcohols, acetone, and especially ether are highly flammable. Do not use them anywhere near open flames.

17. Observe all special precautions mentioned in each experiment.

Basic Instructions for Laboratory Work

1. Read the assignment before coming to the laboratory.

2. Work independently unless instructed to do otherwise.

3. Record your result directly into your report sheet or notebook. Do not recopy from another piece or paper.

4. Work conscientiously to avoid accidents.

5. Excess liquid reagents and solutions should be disposedpf by pouring them in the sink and washing them away with water;place excess solids in designated containers ( not in the sink ). Never return reagents to the reagent bottle.

6. Do not place reagent-bottle stoppers on the desk;hold them in your hand. Your laboratory instructor will show you how to do this. Replace the stopper on the same bottle, never on a different one.

7. Leave reagent bottles on the shelf where you found them.

8. Use only the amount of reagent called for avoid excesess.

9. Whenever instructed to use water in these experiments , use ditilled water unless instructed to do otherwise.

10. Keep your area clean.

11. Do not borrow apparatus from other desks. If you need extra equipment , obtain it from the stockroom.

12. When weighing, do not place chemicals directly on the balance.

13. Do not weigh hot or warm objects. Objects should be at room temperature.

14. Do not put hot objects on the desk top. Place them on a wire gauze or asbestos pad.

Image by : Wikipedia


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